A Day at the Races…

To put it bluntly: my summer this year has been dull. After a hectic first year at university I decided not to fill up my summer and instead work full time to earn myself some money for when I go back. Billy has also been working full time and it has been hard to spend ‘quality’ time together as our days off quite often fell on different days.

However, Billy’s summer internship has now finished so we are making an effort to try and fill our September with lots of ‘summer like’ things!

Last week Billy suggested that we take a trip to the races and I will admit I was slightly reluctant at first. Anybody who knows me will know that I could not be less interested in sports or any type of sporting event. I just threw horse racing in this bag.

However… We had SUCH a fun day!! We went to Lingfield Park Racecourse and l I was so surprised at how glam the exterior of the resort was. I knew people dressed up for events such as the grand national and ladies day but for some reason I had imagined the races to have a somewhat similar atmosphere to a football stadium. I could not have been further from the mark! The whole resort was so well groomed and I even felt slightly underdressed (a very unusual feeling for me!)

After a quick lesson from Billy about what the odds meant I put my first bet on… On a horse that was 200/1! Billy laughed at my optimism but I figured it would be me who was laughing if it won. Needless to say that it didn’t … In fact I could have probably beaten it.

Unfortunately, this losing streak continued for the entire day. Surprising, despite my competitive nature, I still had an extremely fun day. We enjoyed the sunny weather, lovely surroundings and delicious food.

I would recommend a day at the races to anyone looking to try something fun!

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